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Kakapo Recovery

Our adorable kakapo

Southern Crossings is proud to partner with Kakapo Recovery, a program that combines the efforts of scientists, rangers, volunteers and donors to protect the critically endangered kakapo. 

Prior to humans arriving around 1300, New Zealand had absolutely no land mammals. The country was inhabited only by birds and lizards. With no fear of predators, this allowed New Zealand’s birds to evolve to become some of the most unique creatures in the birding world! Some grew whiskers, others a second voice-box for unique melodic singing, most became huge, and many lost the ability to fly.

One of the most iconic of these is the kakapo. A part of the parrot family, the kakapo is the largest and heaviest species of parrot in the world, and the only nocturnal parrot. They can’t fly, and they can live to the ripe old age of 90. They are also incredibly tame, and were once kept as pets by Maori. These unique traits sadly made kakapo easy prey for invasive pests such as rats and stoats. Today there are only around 250 kakapo remaining, most hidden away on protected island sanctuaries. 

Southern Crossings has adopted a gorgeous kakapo named Kuia, which translates to ‘wise old woman’. Kuia was born in 1996 and we’re proud to report that on her last health check, she was in the best of health. Last season she raised two chicks, Aella and Paroro. She kept her rangers busy though, consuming more food than any other (but at a mere 1.58 kilograms, we think that’s ok). In June 2024, two more kakapo were added to our flock! Marama and Waikawa were gifted to Southern Crossings from our friends at Signature Travel Network. 

Our adoption directly supports Kakapo Recovery, a program run by the Department of Conservation, which is the government department tasked with protecting New Zealand’s flora and fauna. The funds are used for food and radio transmitters, as well as the salaries of the legion of heroic rangers who carry out the health checks.  


Click here to learn more about Kakapo Recovery.

Mai a Rangi,
Mai a Papatuanuku,
Mai a Tane,
Ka puawai Rimu,
Ka hua a Kakapo,
Ki te Whai ao,
Ki te Ao marama,
Ka here tangata,
Ka here whenua,
Ka tu te Po,
Ka tu te Ao,
Tihei mauri ora.
Parrot of the night,
You came from Rangi,
You came from Mother Earth,
You came from Tane,
For the flowering of Rimu,
A sustenance for Kakapo,
From this world,
To the world beyond,
We are bound together in conserving nature,
We are bound together in conserving land,
Let night come,
Let day come,
Such is life.
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